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  • We’re HSD Orthoses & Rehabilitations, and we’re proud to be innovators of the highest standard, using cutting-edge technologies to lead the industry forward. Through meticulous and reliable work, our company has become known as a top Medical Equipment Manufacturer. Have a look at our top sellers and let us know if you have any questions about our process.

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Cervical Collar

Scoliosis Orthosis

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Easy to apply, high-quality material, and comfortable foam structure
- Multiple sizes for selection (perfect for children and women), rigid plastic reinforcement limits cervical spine movement
- Vivid and stylish colors
- Ideal for neck pain and discomfort, whiplash, after injury care, and neck fracture immobilization

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This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure your text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image or video of the product to give your clients a way of visualizing what you are selling.

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